Sweet Potato, Miso & Buckwheat Porridge

This creamy breakfast porridge is a warming nutritious start to anyones day. High in protein, vegetable fibre and fermentable miso for gut health. This Gluten-free + Dairy-free breakfast option can be heated up as leftovers for any meal of the day. Top with your favourite breakfast adds X




·      150g buckwheat groats, washed and drained

·      Splash of apple cider vinegar

·      400g sweet potato, peeled & cut into 2cm pieces 

·      500ml coconut, almond or macadamia milk

·      250ml water 

·      3 teaspoons miso paste

·      1 tsp nutmeg

·      2 tsp cinnamon 

·      1 tsp vanilla extract

·      2 tsp honey (or sweetener to taste)



·      Coconut yoghurt 

·      Pomegranate seeds

·      Nuts/seeds

·      Coconut chips etc 





1)    Soak buckwheat in a large bowl with apple cider vinegar (soak for 2-6 hrs, if you can)

2)    Steam the sweet potato for 10mins, or until tender, then mash into a puree (you can do this ahead of time and keep in the fridge)

3)    In a large saucepan, combine the milk of choice, water and buckwheat grouts.

4)    Bring to the boil over a high heat, then reduce the heat to a simmer for 20mins, stirring occasional, or until tender

5)    Add the sweet potato, miso, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla and sweetener.

6)    Add a little extra milk if needed for desired consistency.

7)    Serve with desired toppings and enjoy 

Elly Grenfell