Fig, Nut and Ginger Slice

This nutty slice is full of good quality fats and protein teamed with some my favourite flavours dried figs, ginger and almond butter. Feel free to swap out figs for your favourite fruit, mix up the nuts and seeds ( I often add hemp seeds) and if you are a lover of peanut butter, equal parts of almond/peanut butter makes for a yummy treat.




·      12 dried figs (or dried fruit of choice) chopped

·      125g pumpkin seeds

·      150g almonds (chopped)

·      3 tbsp coconut oil

·      250g almond butter

·      1 tbsp fresh ginger grated

·      80g dark chocolate (80-90%) melted





1)    In a large saucepan melt coconut oil and soften figs.

2)    Add remaining ingredients, except dark chocolate until everything binds well together

3)    Press mixture firmly into a bread or bar tin

4)    Drizzle melted chocolate over top.

5)    Set in fridge until firm (about 1-2 hrs)

6)    Cut into bite size pieces and store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.

Elly Grenfell